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Compliance phase-in begins for FDA food transport rule

Henry Seaton

New Food and Drug Administration rules intended to ensure that food remains safe to eat during transportation took effect April 6 for carriers with more than $27.5 million in annual revenue and for shippers that have 500 or more employees. Beginning April 6, 2018, all carriers with more than $500,000 in annual rule will be subject to the rule. The rule addresses design and maintenance of equipment; operational practices; temperature control; training; and record keeping. In general, the rule applies to food that must be temperature controlled to remain safe and shelf-ready food (produce, for example) not fully enclosed in a container during transportation. For information, visit

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Rules of the Road offers practical help on avoiding legal pitfalls in working with customers, independent contractors, insurers, factoring companies, etc.

Many serious legal risks will go unnoticed unless you are watching for them. Don't take chances.

 Although successful food haulers already employ the common sense steps required in FDA's new transportation rule, declaring your compliance can help you stay competitive for spot-market freight. 

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